If you are accessing this Service, you acknowledge and agree that you have been given a Username and Password by RIA Database. You acknowledge and agree that you are authorized by your firm and by RIA Database to access this site and this Service.
Authorized users must abide by the RIA Database User Agreement on file with your firm, and with these Terms of Service. All information on this site is the property of Labworks, LLC, and should not be used for any illegal purpose. All users should abide by all data and privacy laws and restrictions as defined by any and all United States, local or state jurisdictions and all international laws. Demo users must also agree to these Terms of Service.
You agree not to give your Username and Password to anyone outside of your firm. You agree not to show anyone outside of your firm the user interface or data from RIA Database. You agree not to sell the data, and you agree not to give the data away to anyone outside of your firm. You agree not to compete with RIA Database. You agree to this in perpetuity, and you agree to be bound legally by all of these terms.
Please report any violations to: service@riadatabase.com.