Sales Enablement Platform

Data. Access. Insights. Marketing.

RIA Database provides comprehensive data, software, analytics and marketing services to the financial services industry. Our proprietary, web-based software allows you to sort, search, save and download targeted leads for your sales and marketing efforts.

A Platform for Distribution

In-depth data, data integrations, and software solutions for all advisor channels:

RIA Database®

  • All RIA Firms
  • All RIA IARs
  • 200+ Searchable Fields
  • 40,000+ Firms
  • 500,000+ Contacts
  • 200,000+ Emails

Registered Rep Database

  • All Wirehouse Reps
  • All FINRA Reps
  • 25+ Searchable Fields
  • All Independent Reps
  • 500,000+ Contacts
  • 175,000+ Emails

Family Office Database

  • 1,000+ Single Family Offices
  • 750+ Consultants
  • 15+ Searchable Fields
  • 800+ Multi-Family Offices
  • 2,000+ Family Foundations
  • 2,800+ Emails

Bank / Trust Database

  • All FDIC Banks
  • All Trust Companies
  • 15+ Searchable Fields
  • 8,600+ Firms
  • 25,000+ Key Contacts
  • 3,800+ Emails

Data Integration

Easily connect our data with your preferred CRM, MDM, or Data Warehouse.

Identify Ideal Advisor Prospects for Sales and Marketing

Gain access to detailed data, analytics and insights on every financial advisor across the country.

Key Market Segments & Opportunities

Cut through the noise easily and reach your best prospects.


RIA Firms


Wealth Management Firms


ETF Buyers


Alternatives Buyers


Wealth Management Firms Over $1B AUM


RIAs with Investment Interest Insights

200 – 300

New RIAs & Breakaways (each month)


Non-registered Contacts

Proprietary Data Powered by RIA Channel®

Target advisors based on proprietary engagement data powered by RIA Channel®.

Select Categories To View Data

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Comprehensive 13F Targeting

RIA Database captures ALL security holdings data on a quarterly basis, maps it to each RIA firm and makes it searchable and downloadable alongside key contact information.

Search By Ticker, Provider or Sector

Identify RIA firms that hold a specific ticker, or group of tickers at the same time.

Breakdown Assets By Investments

Easily identify RIAs holding your ETFs or ETFs from a competitive provider. Discover how RIAs are leveraging ETFs & Equities in their portfolio.

Search results

All ETF Holdings

  • Number of ETFs: 56
  • Total Value of All ETF Holdings: $255B
  • Number of Issuers: 7
  • Number of Sectors: 16

Breakdown Assets By Investments

Easily identify RIAs holding your ETFs or ETFs from a competitive provider. Discover how RIAs are leveraging ETFs & Equities in their portfolio.

Search results

Firm Assets

    • Total Assets: $2B
    • ETF Assets: $750M
    • Equities: $600M
    • Other Assets: $650M

Growth Of Investments

Easily identify RIAs holding your ETFs or ETFs from a competitive provider. Discover how RIAs are leveraging ETFs & Equities in their portfolio.

Search results

ETF Ownership

    • Number of ETFs: 56
    • Total Value of All ETF Holdings: $255B
    • Number of Issuers: 7
    • Number of Sectors: 16